[react] react 목차컴퓨터/목차 모음 2020. 9. 4. 18:00
* 나만의 규칙 : ksj12172.tistory.com/822
* Next.js 및 backend까지 하는 pjt setting: ksj12172.tistory.com/696
* pjt setting with parcel : ksj12172.tistory.com/756
* module import & export, node.js 모듈 시스템 : ksj12172.tistory.com/16
* SPA란 : ksj12172.tistory.com/716
* react란 : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/412
* rootDOM node, reactDom.render(), render할 때 주의 : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/710
* 가상 DOM : ksj12172.tistory.com/755
* jsx : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/709
* layout : ksj12172.tistory.com/782
[ component ]
* react는 component 기반 : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/414
Note : 함수형 component rerendering은 바뀐 부분만!, return 부분이 virtual dom
* component와 map: ksj12172.tistory.com/726
* component lifecycle : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/416
* controlled component : ksj12172.tistory.com/758
* class member function에 인자 넘겨주는 법(render return에서) : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/712
* props : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/415
* state : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/417
* prop-types : ksj12172.tistory.com/717
* createPortal : ksj12172.tistory.com/776
* portal로 만들었던 내 teespace-note-app modal : ksj12172.tistory.com/956
* forwardRef : ksj12172.tistory.com/777
* strict mode : ksj12172.tistory.com/778
* storybook : ksj12172.tistory.com/891
[ hooks ]
* hooks : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/697
=> custom hooks 등
읽어보기 : hooks 완전 정복 velog.io/@velopert/react-hooks
Hook을 사용할 때는 반드시 eslint룰 적용을 권장
* Rules of Hooks : ksj12172.tistory.com/770
* useState : ksj12172.tistory.com/737
* useEffect : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/713
* useLayoutEffect : ksj12172.tistory.com/799
* ref, useRef, createRef, callbackRef : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/705
react에서 setTimeout 활용법을 볼 수 있다
참고 : setTimeout https://ksj12172.tistory.com/377
* setInterval과 useEffect : ksj12172.tistory.com/1016
* useReducer : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/715
* useMemo, useCallback : ksj12172.tistory.com/765
* pureComponent, React.memo : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/704
useContext, useReducer
useDispatch, useStore
* event : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/708
* react-dnd : react-dnd.github.io/react-dnd/about
[ data ]
* 중앙저장소 : ksj12172.tistory.com/722
* AJAX : ksj12172.tistory.com/420
* Axios, Service란 : ksj12172.tistory.com/212
* context API : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/707
[ router ]
* react router : ksj12172.tistory.com/747
* connected-react-router : ksj12172.tistory.com/788
* react-router-dom : ksj12172.tistory.com/916
[ redux ]
react-redux 공식문서 : react-redux.js.org/next/api/hooks
읽어보기 : velog.io/@velopert/series/redux-or-mobx
* Redux : ksj12172.tistory.com/721
=> store, useSelector, reducer
* redux without react : ksj12172.tistory.com/906
* connect 함수로 react-redux 사용하는 법, zerocho 로그인 예제 : ksj12172.tistory.com/907
* selector : ksj12172.tistory.com/823
* connect, useSelector, useDispatch : ksj12172.tistory.com/786
* the best way to store data : ksj12172.tistory.com/796
* store : ksj12172.tistory.com/789
* action : ksj12172.tistory.com/812
* reducer, combineReducers : ksj12172.tistory.com/725
* dispatch : ksj12172.tistory.com/792
* smart and dumb component : ksj12172.tistory.com/736
* redux middleware : ksj12172.tistory.com/802
* redux 미들웨어 활용 : velopert.com/3401
* 불변성 : ksj12172.tistory.com/735
* redux-thunk : ksj12172.tistory.com/731
* redux-saga : ksj12172.tistory.com/733
* Formik : ksj12172.tistory.com/805
* Formik wizard 방식 : ksj12172.tistory.com/810
* reselect : ksj12172.tistory.com/791
[ library ]
* i18n : ksj12172.tistory.com/1038
* conditional rendering in functional programming, catamorphism : ksj12172.tistory.com/820
* daggy 적용 : ksj12172.tistory.com/817
* immer : ksj12172.tistory.com/734
* react-helmet : ksj12172.tistory.com/931
* react-snap : todo
* react-dnd : ksj12172.tistory.com/984
[ mobx ]
# 쓰는 법 1) class Store { @observable ~, @action ~}
mobx도 a = createContext(), a.provider, value={new Store()}, useContext(a)로 쓸 수 있다.
# 쓰는 법 2) 싱글톤으로 쓰는 법 store={} 만들고 store import 해서 쓰기
* MobX : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/176
* Mobx action : ksj12172.tistory.com/818
* mobx computed : ksj12172.tistory.com/830
* observer랑 useEffect : ksj12172.tistory.com/831
* webpack : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/317
* serviceWorker : https://ksj12172.tistory.com/623
* _app.js : ksj12172.tistory.com/718
* style 주는 방법들 : ksj12172.tistory.com/698
* styled-components : ksj12172.tistory.com/967
* react-slick:carousel 구현 : ksj12172.tistory.com/728
* zerocho github : github.com/ZeroCho/react-nodebird/tree/master
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